Josilyn's American Lit Blog 8/17/21

 My reflection about today's class. Is based on what we learned. Our building apprentice to put in our own words or our opinion what you think it needs to be an american. I shared that to be an American if you live up to American legal quantities. By that I mean for which for example if you were to be an immigrant and you stay in the United States long enough to become legally in American citizen. Shifted into the lesson in which we read a poem titled ,"I, Too" by Langston Hughes. We were then asked to read the poem and as he read the poem we broke it down into each part in line. By doing this we grew a further understanding for each line. We figure out what certain lines in the pole meant say for example if they didn't mean exactly what they meant. A direct example would be the line that says"they send me to eat in the kitchen"we broke down that this is pretty much discrimination and he was referring to discrimination. By the end of the poem in class we developed two things one being avoid discriminating against others because of physical appearance or qualities our second thing was to be optimistic in the mix of your troubles. I can use the second quote in my life personally I trying to stay positive and not so positive situations. 


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