Josilyn's American Lit Blog 8/18/21

My reflection about today's class, is solely based on today’s lesson.We  began classed as usual with a bell ringer. The bell ringer asks us to write a paragraph about a time and our mothers gave us advice and in what situation was the advice given. I proceeded to share mine as usual and usually during Bell ringers as a finishing up Mr.Reese passes out the assignments Or more normally I would say this week it's been going on .I noticed that he passes it out towards the end of bell ringers and also picked up that lately we've been reading poems by Langston Hughes so I know when he was explaining the bell ringer he was specifically saying Your Mother.  as I was thinking and trying to put two and two together I realize that we were possibly doing a famous poem by Langston Hughes titled  " Mother to Son ".I didn't check the paper to make sure or rather to see if that was the poem we were reading and which I discovered my  assumption to be correct. Resume Precision class we did things a little different today as we broke down and analyze the poems instead of Mr.Reese. my side of the room was a sign that poem exactly and we broke down and analyze the text as a group. This led to a successful presentation and great teamwork. 


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