Josilyn's American Lit Blog 8/20/21

 My reflection about today's class is about our test mostly.Nothing to big , we entered class and studied for our  assessment. Our assessment was based on what we've been on for the past week.As stated in my previous blogs , I we've been reading poems by Langston Hughes.Our test wasn't challenging at all.I got a 98% but I could've done better.Let me just say which y'all will discover about me sooner or later , i'm an over achiever.I prefer to have the best if the best especially academics wise.I have a 4.12 GPA as well....thought I should just throw that in there.Well anyway , that's my little reflection of the day , like I said , nothing too major, I plan to have a fun and prosperous weekend hopefully you all do the same...i'm now going to make my orders!


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