Dear God : From Mary Agnes

 Dear God,

Dear god I sometimes ask why me? People always looking at me special ...and by people  I mean all the men.I know i'm a lighter but I'm still me.My voice a little different , but that don't mean they gotta treat me different. Lord you love me the same why can't they at least look at me no different. I really do love Harpo but I need him to see me for me.

I really do love Harpo but I want him to know i'm a woman.I'd do anything for Harpo...I done even freed his wife from jail, she even knocked two of my teef loose.My own uncle raped me.I was trying to help Harpo get his wife home.I don't even feel like he appreciates me and all I do.I sure hope this new singing hobby I got goin take me somewhere.Ms.Shug been helping me so ise looks forward to it, Lord I hope you see fit for me to be happy cause I showl hope for it all the time.


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